Exterior Painting

Here’s how we meticulously prepare your home’s exterior for a paint job that’ll make it look like it’s been time-warped from a future where everything is pristine.

Power Washing:
A high-pressure clean to strip away dirt, dust, and any loose paint, leaving a fresh canvas.

Wood Repairs: Repair damaged wood, ensuring structural integrity and a smooth finish.

Cracks and gaps will be sealed to prevent moisture issues and for a seamless paint job.

Window Prepping:
Windows will be covered with plastic to keep paint off and make cleanup easier.

Protective paper will be used on brick and other areas to shield them from unwanted paint.

Door and Floor Prep:
Doors might get taped, and floors will be covered to avoid any mishaps.
Spray:  A  topcoat will be sprayed on for a professional, durable finish.